Bay Bulletin
December 2-7
​Cookie Plating
Everyone is invited to help with the Cookie Plating and delivery on Saturday, December 7 at 10 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your cookies that morning or drop them off at the church office on Thursday of this week.
First Stars Christmas Celebration
First Stars is coming up this Saturday, December 7 at 1PM in the Fellowship Hall. First Stars is a ministry for people 18 years old and older with special needs.
Church-Wide Holiday Meal
Mark your calendars for the church-wide Holiday Meal next Sunday, December 8, in the Fellowship Hall, directly following the morning worship service. Please bring a dessert with NO NUTS of any type.
Young at Heart Date Change
Please note that Young at Heart will be on Wednesday, December 11 at 11AM. Invite your friends for lunch, singing and a message from Jesse McBride.
Children’s Ministry Christmas Party
Children in grades K-5 plan to attend the Children’s Ministry Christmas Party this Wednesday, December 11 at 6PM. Parents, we are accepting donations of snacks and drinks. Please see Cherrie if you would like to help.
Live Nativity
Our annual Live Nativity will be at 6PM on Saturday, December 14 in the front parking lot. Bring a friend!
Choir Christmas Presentation and Reception
Join us for the church choir's Christmas presentation on Sunday evening, December 15 at 6PM in the sanctuary. There will be a reception following in the Fellowship Hall.
Christmas Eve Carols and Communion
Our Christmas Eve service will begin at 5PM on Tuesday, December 24.
Thank You From Operation Christmas Child
Thank you everyone who participated in OCC this year, by volunteering or packing a shoebox. Our church collected 160 physical boxes and 35 online boxes for a total of 195 boxes!
​Claiborne Hill Receipts
The Tuesday Ladies are collecting receipts from purchases at Claiborne Hill Supermarket. The store kindly gives a percent back to us from each purchase. Receipts can be placed in the baskets at each Welcome Center.​
Wednesday Night Bible Study Opportunities
On Wednesday evenings, Annette McBride leads “A Great Cloud of Witnesses,” a women’s Bible study on Hebrews 11. The group meets in Room 201 at 6PM. Also, Kirk Necaise is leading “Follow Me,” a men’s Bible study on what it means to be a follower of Christ in Room 204 at 6PM.
Welcome Team Volunteers Needed
The Welcome Team is looking for friendly volunteers to greet members and guests on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in helping, please see Barry Fitts.
Men’s Bible Study
Every Monday evening at 6 PM there is a Bible Study for the men of the church in the Fellowship Hall. Don’t miss out on learning and fellowship.
College and Career Grow Group
College students and young adults between the ages of 18-28, you are invited to the College and Career Grow Group meeting Sunday mornings at 9:15AM.
Assisted Listening Devices Available
If you have a hearing impairment, we have Assisted Listening Devices available for use. They are located at our Senior Station in the lobby area just outside the doors of the middle aisle of the sanctuary.
November 24 - 221
December 1 - 215
December Budget - $50,592
December Receipts - $7,163